So a meeting of the minds took place yesterday afternoon at Heaven and lot of stuff was discussed. Basically, riders and skaters have been given the park and a skatepark needs to get built at Heaven or the place is gonna be torn down and buildings will be put up. The skaters and riders have to decided on exactly how the park is going to be laid out and where the funds are going to come from. It sounds like they'll be applying for some grants and going the fund raising route as well. For more info, check out
Heaven in Hartford.
Ben McCarthy's artist rendering of the park. The feedback he got was too much tranny, not enough street.
I think It would be sick to have a transition park in the city, If you want to skate a handrail or a stair set just go down the street to one of the many in the city.
Good thing you were there to voice your opinion Howard! Skate Lair was represented, the new skate shop in West Hartford, Pedal Power, etc.
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