A few photos: CLICK HERE
Last Sunday of Summer
Well yesterday wasn't technically the last Sunday of Summer, but September is already here and in my book that is the beginning of Fall! Arnwine, Jake, and I rode Newington for a few hours for the first time in months. Despite the lousy pre-fab ramps that place can be fun from time to time. Bry pulled out the rail ride to tailwhip which turned some heads and Jake was doing his typical 8 foot high helmetless flairs...suicide! The 3 of us headed over to Wethersfield mid-dafternnon and Schmidt ended up making it out, the first time we've seen him on a bike in months. We rode the park for a bit and sessioned a really shady fiberglass picnic table on its side as a wallride that the locals set up. We ended the days riding over at Cromwell, which was infested with skaters. Arnwine, T, and I headed out to Mohegan Sun to see my co-workers band play at the Wolf's Den @ 7pm. Not a bad way to say goodbye to Summer, a warm, sunny day of riding with friends and a fun night rocking out to a little Southern Rock sipping on some sodas. See you in September!
A few photos: CLICK HERE
A few photos: CLICK HERE
Good Old Haven
Super fun session at Haven last night, people we're going off as usual. Gotta check out some of the photos of stuff people we're pulling...
Haven Photos: CLICK HERE
Haven Photos: CLICK HERE
Blachura BERNing Up!
Congrats to Dave Blachura, he is now sponsored by Bern. We just found out that a photo I shot of Dave at The Lot is going to be featured in the new Bern Catalog that will drop at Interbike. We're both stoked! I'll have photos of the catalog page and more details as they are give to us from Bern. I'm even more stoked cause the ramp Bla is launching off of in the photo has a bright red TYRANT stencil tag on it!
rideTYRANT.com tee, Bern Helmet, Sinsiter Bike...rad!

rideTYRANT.com tee, Bern Helmet, Sinsiter Bike...rad!

Bone Dry Session
We rode The Lot tonight and it was bone dry. We tried to smoothen some stuff out and work on the landers but the dirt was just crumbling away and turning into powder. Damn we need some rain!..and it looks like it is coming. Rumor has it that Blachura us getting a mini excavator in the coming weeks and building a long line of smaller jumps...like a 10 pack or something to that effect. Dave wants to incorporate a wallride, berms, hips, etc. The Fall should be fun as hell if that line gets built!
Lot Photos: CLICK HERE
Lot Photos: CLICK HERE

Busted Ben Update
Grocery Store Session
Ramp Building Day
Saturday, September 26th
9am to 6pm
East Hampton Skatepark @ Sears Park, East Hampton, CT
Bring your tools and be ready to work!
The more we get done now, the less we'll have to build in the Spring!
*NOTE: This is a BUILDING DAY! No riding or skating will be going on at the park that day. If you show and up and want to ride/skate instead of work you will be asked to leave! Thanks for your cooperation.
Saturday, September 26th
9am to 6pm
East Hampton Skatepark @ Sears Park, East Hampton, CT
Bring your tools and be ready to work!
The more we get done now, the less we'll have to build in the Spring!
*NOTE: This is a BUILDING DAY! No riding or skating will be going on at the park that day. If you show and up and want to ride/skate instead of work you will be asked to leave! Thanks for your cooperation.
Nothing has Changed!
This really isn't TYRANT related, but it's New England BMX Scene related so read up!
For any of you old school shredders that used to ride the original MSC in Wastefield, Mass. I'm sure you remember Brian Yeagle. That dude was too good always blasting up and over everything at the park and his part in "Who Brought The D!cks" was epic! Apparently Yeagle moved to PA some time ago and is still going off down there. Check out this photo I just snagged off of Verde's site, looks like nothing has changed over the years...
For any of you old school shredders that used to ride the original MSC in Wastefield, Mass. I'm sure you remember Brian Yeagle. That dude was too good always blasting up and over everything at the park and his part in "Who Brought The D!cks" was epic! Apparently Yeagle moved to PA some time ago and is still going off down there. Check out this photo I just snagged off of Verde's site, looks like nothing has changed over the years...

So I canceled the Flex Fit hat order a few months ago cause the company I was using was giving me the run around about black hats being on back order forever. I've located a rad new vendor who is psyched on the New England BMX scene and has done work for Team EAST and Fat Trax. The hats should be done sometime in early September and there is the potential for some new TYRANT shirts coming out of the same warehouse.
$20.00 - Size: S/M or L/XL
Pre-Order Discount: Pay in advance, only $15!!!

$20.00 - Size: S/M or L/XL
Pre-Order Discount: Pay in advance, only $15!!!

Clinton Night Session
A crew of us rode the Clinton Skatepark last night under the lights. The Begin's showed up and Brandon, Ethan, and Nathan were all going off! The twins were boosting on their 16 inchers and had everybody's attention at the park...pretty wild! After the session we headed back to the Begin's camper at Hammonasset State Park and sat around the fire chowing down on smores and other goodies. A huge thanks to the Begins for their hospitality, good times for sure! Summer, Summer, Summer time coming to a close fast!
Clinton Night Photos: CLICK HERE

Clinton Night Photos: CLICK HERE
Sunset Session
Another super fun sunset session at The Lot last night. It was scorching hot again, but everyone rode well and had a good time. Can't wait for the 60 degree days of Fall when we can ride and not die of heat exhaustion after an hour!
Lot Photos: CLICK HERE
Lot Photos: CLICK HERE
Sweltering Sunday Session
Bry and I stopped by the East Hampton park for an hour this afternoon. It was hotter than hell, but we had a fun little session moving ramps and boxes around to make some fun set ups. Local brakeless shredder Ethan Pawlak showed up at the park and was riding well boosting some serious fakie air tire grabs on the rickety quarter. Surprisingly, I felt pretty good for not riding in a week and still getting over the plague! Good times despite the 90 degree temps and sweating through our shirts, pads, pants, etc.

BMX @ the Milford Osyter Festival
T and I took a ride down to the Milford Oyster Festival to check out the Eastern Action Sports Team doing their thing. Macisco and Tony's Bikes we're responsible for bringing Team East into town and they put on 3 high flying BMX stunt shows. We caught the last show of the day, which was completely insane! The guys were throwing down over the box jump and blasting out of the quarter pipe and the crowd was all into it. It was great to see Matty Still and the positive response his stunt shows are getting. If you know of a fair, carnival, or any other event that might like to book a stunt show contact Matt via the Team East site.
Stunt Show Photos: CLICK HERE
Stunt Show Photos: CLICK HERE
Swine Flu? Bird Flu? The Plague?
Wow, I went from riding the past 9 days straight to the opposite end of the spectrum...sick as a dog on my couch. I guess if you want to play, you gotta pay. I totally kicked my own a$$ the past week riding my face off 2+ hours daily. I don't know what I have, but I feel like death! The past 3 days have been nothing but vegan bouillon, organic tea, cough drops, and cold medicine. UGH!

Getting Techie!
I'm getting techie and developing a TYRANT iPhone application! The app. will be a Connecticut skatepark directory listing directions to each park and featuring photos of TYRANT riders sessioning each location. This is going to be a long and tedious process involving getting to each and every park, compiling data and photos, and bringing it all to life. I'm hoping to conclude programming sometime this Fall having the application ready for FREE download before the year ends. In the meantime, I created a rad TYRANT iPhone wallpaper you can also download for FREE:

New Skatepark: Deep River
UPDATE: They aren't letting bikes in! LAME!
So from the rumors I heard, the Deep River Park is supposed to be opening before Summer's end and they will be letting bikes in. T and I headed over Saturday morning to check out the park and it is pretty much done except for the decks and the landscaping around the outside. I drove Bry by the park yesterday afternoon on our way home from Clinton and 3 kids were already skating the place. I'm told the guys from Worship Skateboards had a big hand in making this project a reality. Check out the video I snagged from Worship's site...
Deep River Skatepark:CLICK HERE
Who is gonna be the first to clear the hump to hump gap?!?!

So from the rumors I heard, the Deep River Park is supposed to be opening before Summer's end and they will be letting bikes in. T and I headed over Saturday morning to check out the park and it is pretty much done except for the decks and the landscaping around the outside. I drove Bry by the park yesterday afternoon on our way home from Clinton and 3 kids were already skating the place. I'm told the guys from Worship Skateboards had a big hand in making this project a reality. Check out the video I snagged from Worship's site...
Deep River Skatepark:CLICK HERE
Who is gonna be the first to clear the hump to hump gap?!?!

DEEP RIVER PROJECT from worship skateboards on Vimeo.
This weekend was bonkers! So much riding, so much fun, so many friends seen and so many photos. I'm not even going to attempt to sum the madness up in words, just go check out the photos: CLICK HERE.

More Lot
Another super fun session at The Lot yesterday evening! Evan Huggerd made his was over to ride the jumps for the first time and the rest of the usual crew was there. Fun, fun! We're all heading down to Haven from 4:30-Midnight today for the BMX Bowl Jam. Should be a hell of a good time and TYRANT is co-sponsoring the event so come grab some free swag!
Lot Photos: CLICK HERE
Lot Photos: CLICK HERE
Busted Ben Update...
Brutal Guilford Session
Last night Arnwine, Steve, Pete Krol, and myself headed down to ride Guilford. Wow, it was brutal out! So humid and just plain gross we couldn't even hold onto our grips. We made a pretty fun wallride by placing a picnic table on its side atop the wedge-quarter-wedge set up and used the grind box as a sub-box atop one of the quarterpipes for a while. Pete shot some photos which I'll have posted up soon. Another fun night at Guilford in the books.
Tony downside footplant attempt.
Photo by Pete Krol
Tony downside footplant attempt.
Photo by Pete Krol

Summer Threads
I've been working on some TYRANT threads this week, getting some shirts ready for the Bowl Jam at Haven this Saturday. I screened some more of the graffiti logo shirts with a rad new opaque silver metallic ink. Steve Morse will be be the first on the block rocking one. I also started stenciling some chest sized TYRANT "t" shirts. I'm using a fabric stenciling spray (which is basically fabric specific spray paint) and the shirts look dope! Stop by the bowl jam on Sunday and grab a shirt: $7.00!

Busted Ben
Gotta' send a shout out to our friend and long time TYRANT supporter, Ben Church, who is having surgery today to repair his badly busted ankle. Ben slipped a pedal, roll, and snapped his bone while riding recently and his having screws put in to secure the ankle. He will be off the bike for a minimum of 4 months, which is a total drag. Ben's going to get me some of his pre & post surgery x-rays so I can glorify the carnage on the internet. Get well dude!

West Nile Session
Blachura, Arnwine, Steve Morse, and I rode The Lot last night for 3 hours. It was super humid and the masquitos were on a war path to infect us with West Nile! Everybody was riding really well, which is always awesome to see. Blachura spooked us early on in the session taking a serious dirt nap after landing a huge tailwhip with his front wheel a little turned. The grunt sound Dave made when he hit the ground echoed across The Lot. Glad to see he shook it off in a few minutes and continued to rip the rest of the evening. Arnwine threw out a superman, huge no footer, and a few other tricks taking us by surprise. Bry was also landing fuf's on the sub-log well after dark with nothing but my car headlights to provide a bit of light. Steve Morse came to ride the jumps for the first time and hadn't jumped anything half as big as the kickers at The Lot in 5-6 years. Sure enough, 2nd run Steve throws out a table/indown over the 1st set and a huge can-can over the 2nd. Steve is going to be part of the regular riding crew now that he is back in CT and he'll be repping TYRANT.
Looks like we'll be riding Guilford on Wednesday night if anybody is around and we'll be at the Haven BMX Bowl Jam all Saturday afternoon/evening. Bring some extra spending cash and support TYRANT...buy a shirt, $10!
West Nile Session Photos: CLICK HERE
Looks like we'll be riding Guilford on Wednesday night if anybody is around and we'll be at the Haven BMX Bowl Jam all Saturday afternoon/evening. Bring some extra spending cash and support TYRANT...buy a shirt, $10!
West Nile Session Photos: CLICK HERE
Mass. Riding
T and I hit up a few parks in the Greater Boston area this weekend while visiting family up in the area. T shot a ton of photos of me riding, which was cool, cause I'm usually the one behind the lense. Saturday I rode the Winthrop Skatepark solo for a few hours and cooked in the sun and 85 degree weather. There was a local brakeless kid at the park killing it! I was blown away by a bunnyhop to brakless nose manual across a 12 foot grind box. I don't understand nose manuals...I have no balance! Sunday morning we headed out to the Tanner Skatepark at the crack of dawn due to rumors of "No Bikes Allowed" and bitter skaters enforcing the policy strictly. We arrived at the park around 7:30am and it was a ghost town. I got in a solid morning session pumping around the cement transitions and hitting up some grinds on the metal edged ledge they had. I wouldn't drive up all the way from CT just to ride that park, but when I'm in the area again I'll swing through. After Tanner we hit up the East Boston Skatepark for an hour or so. The park is in a shady location, has pretty small ramps, but there are some fun lines. T was cruising around the park and jumping the mini spines with some good speed. We stopped for a fullpipe photo shoot and some jersey barrier antics before heading back to the Winthrop Park for a bit. All in all it was a super fun Summer weekend of riding.
Mass. Photos by T: CLICK HERE
Mass. Photos by T: CLICK HERE