New sticker
So D. Whip has been requesting that I re-print the "Connected" shirts (the Star Wars knock off I did back in 2002). I decided to tweak that logo and get some stickers done. Maybe shirts will be soon to follow? I'll have 1,000 of these 0.75" x 3" stickers in a few weeks. Great size for helmets, handlebars, forks, etc.

12 Hours of riding!
Yeah, 12 hours of riding is correct! Rode the Newington and Clinton skateparks and street in Middletown at night. I am so tired and sore! No daily recap here....I need sleep! Check out the photos of the day at TYRANT's Photos
Schmidt and "Tiny Tyant" with syncronized fastplants
Schmidt and "Tiny Tyant" with syncronized fastplants
Fixed session
I typically post BMX stuff on this blog, but this post is about "fixies" for a change of pace. I tagged along with Matt Lolli and Peter Krol to catch them going through the motions on their fixed gear bikes. NOTE: Everytime you see these guys leaning on the front of the bike they are actually skidding. 5-15 mph skids, some no handed...some stepped over. You'll see what I'm talking about! Much respect to these guys for their amazing bike control. Check it out at TYRANT's Flickr
Peter Krol displaying serious balance and control. No handed step over skid.

Matt Lolli riding backward circles. Super technical!
Peter Krol displaying serious balance and control. No handed step over skid.
Matt Lolli riding backward circles. Super technical!

Sunday session?
Who is going to be around Sunday to ride? I'm assuming I'll be well by then...back at work today and feeling somewhat better. Sunday is my 1 day a week off and its supposed to be nice. I'm thinking a bunch of park riding during the day and street at night. Hit me up via the TYRANT MySpace page, website, or call me.
I'm sick as all hell and have been bed ridden since Saturday. I'm miserable! Off to see my doctor at 3. I always get sick when the weather is perfect for riding! What gives?
On the brighter side, Craig Samuels has added a vert wall to his backyard set-up and will be hosting some Bar-B-Q / Jams in the very near future. I'll keep you posted.
Craigs Southern CT Compound

Craig testing the new vert wall
On the brighter side, Craig Samuels has added a vert wall to his backyard set-up and will be hosting some Bar-B-Q / Jams in the very near future. I'll keep you posted.
Craigs Southern CT Compound
Craig testing the new vert wall
It's been a long while!
So Schmidt, T, and I rode Jay's ramp last night. It was my first time at Jay's since January of 2006. Kinda crazy how things go as we get older....and Jay has a wife and kids now. I remember the time when we rode Jay's 2 times a week all winter long. Good old BMX memories! Anyway, it was a great session. For riding once a week at most Jay still kills it. Extension nose manuals and overt-vert wall carves. T was also getting super comfy on the ramp, it was the biggest ones she's ridden yet. All in all, great times and some great photos to prove it. Check 'em out at TYRANT's Flickr.
Jay nose manualing the extension deck
Jay nose manualing the extension deck
Mount up....
Portland Skatepark?
Back in the Fall I heard rumors of a new Portland Skatepark in the works. Low and behold the new park is done....well if you can even call it a park! I figured the town had learned from there last mistake making quite possibly the lamest park ever back in the late 90's. Looks like they didn't learn anything cause this park is just as weak! I 'm sure I'd have fun sessioning those various ledges, but come on, this is pathetic!
Did I mention....bikes ARE NOT allowed!
P.S. What's with the neon paint job? Totally tubular!
Did I mention....bikes ARE NOT allowed!
P.S. What's with the neon paint job? Totally tubular!

I took a walk down to Harbor Park and was amazed by the flooding! Guess we won't be sessioning the Harbor Ledges anytime soon! Head over to : through these eyes to see more flood photos.
Bryan Y. back in January when the Harbor was dry!

April 18, 2007
Bryan Y. back in January when the Harbor was dry!

April 18, 2007

So I received some terrible & great news simultaneously! Shawn Hebrank, my tattoo artist, good friend, and die hard TYRANT supporter is moving to Minneapolis, Minnesota. That is the terrible news! The great news is that he is moving cause his wife was accepted to graduate school out there....congrats Meryll!!! The Hebrank's will be headed West in mid-June so if you want to get tattooed by Shawn, get your a$$ down to Turnpike Tattoo ASAP! So with that said, I am already planning a TYRANT road trip to Minneapolis hitting up parks in various states on the way there and back. Who is in? Maybe later Summer/early Fall? What's another 2,500 miles on my car!
It's a long way from home...
It's a long way from home...

Seek shelter!
It's raining like mad out! No chance of riding outdoor any time in the next few days, so we decided to take shelter and ride Whip's Basement. Its been a long time since I've ridden Whips, 3 months at least. It was a good little session to keep us sane in the middle of this Spring soaker!
Matt Lolli feeble attempt....till he realize he'd smash his head on the ceiling

Bryan Arwine "death fuf" with his head in the insulation!
Matt Lolli feeble attempt....till he realize he'd smash his head on the ceiling

Bryan Arwine "death fuf" with his head in the insulation!

Weather woes!
First freezing cold temperatures for months on end. Now inches of rain and a 5 fay forecast that includes rain everyday. Connecticut sucks!
What a wall!
Circuit Party
Craig, Arnwine and I headed up to the Circuit BMX & Skate Grand Opening Party to meet up with Don, Garrett and Charlie D. Vics shop looks great and he has lots of rad merchandise in stock. I was really impressed with the turnout! When we arrived there had to of been at least 50 people there. Congrats Vic, and good luck!
The Circuit Grand Opening Party just getting going
The Circuit Grand Opening Party just getting going
Locked down!
So it was brought to my attention that the Wethersfield Skatepark is locked up. I've been hearing rumors that "winter damage" and "vandalism" are what forced the town to close the park. I took a ride over to Wethersfield the other day and it looks exactly as it was in the Fall. Same crappy drainage system allowing water to puddle up, same cracks, etc. The warm weather is approching and I think its a joke that the town workers are out there putting up new tennis nets and raking the sand in the playgrounds, but they can't find time to fix the park! Any idiot can spread cement over a crack!
P.S. Don't bother jumping the fence to ride Wethersfield. You'll be ticketed for "trespassing" and slapped with a $92 fine. I spoke to 3 kids the other day that got nabbed!
P.S. Don't bother jumping the fence to ride Wethersfield. You'll be ticketed for "trespassing" and slapped with a $92 fine. I spoke to 3 kids the other day that got nabbed!

More TYRANT photos of BMXonline.com!
Props to Garrett Pyskaty! Two photos I shot of him are featured in today's "Readers Photos" section of BMXonline.com. Head on over to the site and check 'em out!

Thanks again to Fat Tony at RIDE for posting more of my photos!

Thanks again to Fat Tony at RIDE for posting more of my photos!
Funny day at Newington!
With the temps. in the low 50's a bunch of people showed up at Newington to ride. It was by far the funniest session of 2007! These little scooter/skate kids where asking everyone for autographs and screaming for Steve Baklik and Jeff Sylvester everytime they blasted out of the big quarter. Tina was getting more comfortable on her bike, especially now that she got a pair of legit "riding shoes" for her birthday yesterday :) Not bad for only a month on the bike! Good times where had by all! Thanks to Craig Samuels and Tina for taking a few shots of me :) Photos can be found at TYRANT's Flickr as usual.
Steve Baklik blasting a 1 footed invert for his fans
Steve Baklik blasting a 1 footed invert for his fans
The Circuit BMX & Skate Grand Opening Party is this coming Friday from 7-11pm.
BMX Photo Show.
Live music by The Ones & Hulk Out.
Support Vic and Circuit BMX & Skate
BMX Photo Show.
Live music by The Ones & Hulk Out.
Support Vic and Circuit BMX & Skate
Bitter cold April
So I met up with Craig Samuels last night after work to ride Newington. It was 39 degrees out! Isn't it Spring? Anyway, it was pretty fun. I was amused by Ryan Howard, former BMX rider turned skater, picking up my bike and throwing down some of his old tricks. Goodtimes as usual!
Craig with a whiplash...in a t-shirt when its 39 out?

Ryan with a 1 footed x-up on my bike
(I was late on the shot! He had his leg extended!)
Craig with a whiplash...in a t-shirt when its 39 out?
Ryan with a 1 footed x-up on my bike
(I was late on the shot! He had his leg extended!)
Easter Session
Off the hook! That's all I can say.
People going fast, people going huge, people having fun together on a holiday! Thanks to all that showed up at the park today. Many more fun sessions to follow as the summer months approach!
Check out the photos at TYRANT'S Flickr.
Check back later in the week for a short video of the session.
Steve Baklik with a clicked lookback
People going fast, people going huge, people having fun together on a holiday! Thanks to all that showed up at the park today. Many more fun sessions to follow as the summer months approach!
Check out the photos at TYRANT'S Flickr.
Check back later in the week for a short video of the session.
Steve Baklik with a clicked lookback
Snow in April?
It is April 5th and its snowing out! Old Man Winter won't go down without a fight this year! This is B.S.!
CIRCUIT opens April 10th!
Circuit BMX & Skate opens on April 10th with a Grand Opening Party on April 13th from 7-11pm. If you're in the Providence, Rhode Island area stop by and check out the shop. Circuit is rider owned and operated and stocked with all the latest rad bmx parts and apparel.

...and Newington again!
Once again a great weekend session at Newington. The regulars were there as usual and some of the Portland Crew came out to ride. Its nice to see so many young BMXers out there learning new stuff and stepping it up. Check out today's action at TYRANT's Flickr
Cody Caron with a fastplant.
Cody Caron with a fastplant.
"Tiny Tyrant" is a teenager!
So today "Tiny Tyrant" Brandon Begin turned 13 (which makes me feel old!) I met this little ripper 5 years ago when he was 7 bombing around the old MSC on his 16" bike, just as fearless as he is now! Brandon is evolving into a great rider....and he is just turning 13!
Happy Birthday Brandon, keep shredding!
Happy Birthday Brandon, keep shredding!