Yeah, that's right! is now the site to access to check out Shawn's rad artwork. It is no longer .com!...or at least for the time being.
Stepping it up!
So "Tiny Tyrant" Brandon Begin is awaiting his 18" bike to arrive. After many years of shredding on the 16" Brandon is stepping it up. Don't be fooled though, he still kills it on the 16". Yesterday I took Brandon to the Windsor and Rocky Hill parks and he was going off...and he is riding brakeless now too!!! We also sessioned the Begin home ramp for a while...have a look at TYRANT's Flickr.
Table-top out of the 7 foot quarter
Toboggan air
Table-top out of the 7 foot quarter
Toboggan air
Proud to be Pedal Powered
For the 2nd year in a row Pedal Power Bike Shop, the shop I work at on the weekends and race road for, was selected one of the Top 100 bicycle shops in the United States. Congrats guys! Pedal Power kicks a**!
December 17th and 50 out!!!
So D. Whip, Lolli, Steve A., and myself went out street riding tonight and it was 50 degrees at 9 pm. What the hell, is it really December??? Anyway, I'm not complaining, it was a great night but sadly we were all pretty tired and not too much went down. Have a look at TYRANT's Photos
The Crew in the Harbor Tunnel
Cone hop. Photo by Steve A.
The Crew in the Harbor Tunnel
Cone hop. Photo by Steve A.
Random Photos
It was just brought to my attention that while out riding last night Lolli was the victim of a drive by. NO WORRIES, it wasn't a shooting, but Lolli was nailed with various projectiles. What the hell is wrong with kids today? Not only could Matt have been injured or crashed, he could have been hit by another car on the road. Luckily Matt was OK and is as psycho as me and grabbed an empty glass vodka bottle out of a near by recycling bin. He was ready for the punks as they turned around in a driveway and appeared to be coming back for another bombing. When they saw Matt was now armed they peeled out and took off in the opposite direction. COWARDS!
New Whips
So we rearranged the ramps in Whip's Basement and had our first session of the '06-'07 winter season Saturday night. Steve A., Lolli, Dean, Squirrel, and myself rode for a few hours shredding the new layout. Dean wants to build a couple more quarters and I am destined to convince him to build a 3 foot tranny bowl corner or curved wallride down there! Check out the photos from the other night at TYRANT's Flickr.
"Squirrel" Bob German getting squirrelly footplanting on the clown bike
"Squirrel" Bob German getting squirrelly footplanting on the clown bike
Bling Bling Tooth Tooth
Sorry for the lack of updates this week. I have been sick and haven't ridden the BMX bike in 8 days. This sucks!!! Hopefully I'll get out this weekend and get some photos and video. Check back Sunday night for an update.
Happy Birthday "Pops"!
So I'd like to send a Happy Birthday out to "Pops" Steve Begin (Tiny Tyrant's dad). Steve turns 40 today and his wife organized a great suprise party that went down last night. Despite being an old man now Steve is still shredding on the BMX bike and will continue to.
Can your dad do wallslaps?...doubt it!
"Pops" still ripping at the ripe old age of 40!
Can your dad do wallslaps?...doubt it!
"Pops" still ripping at the ripe old age of 40!